2015 NLC Results

Accounting II

Third Place: Colton Siebert, Heartland 

Banking and Financial Systems

First Place: Kami Timm, Catie Theiler and Trevor Koger, Arlington
Third Place: Eric Le and Jacob Shiers, Lincoln Southwest

Business Presentation

Fourth Place: Sam Hennings, Tori Clausen and Clair Vanness, Wausa
Fifth Place: Kendra Alberts, Johnson-Brock

Desktop Publishing

Ninth Place: Claire Kuenne and Makenna Wallin, Chase County

Emerging Business Issues

Third Place: Krissy Bell, Allison Penner and Alex Schneider, Aurora
Ninth Place: Natalie Elwood, Mirissa Scholting and Naomi Snyder, Elmwood-Murdock

Future Business Leader

Second Place: Brenna Backemeyer, Elmwood-Murdock
Eighth Place: Samantha Teten, Johnson-Brock

Local Chapter Annual Business Report

Fourth Place: Brandon Frates, Callie Zeorian and Owen Kunz, Elmwood-Murdock

Management Decision Making

Ninth Place: Ojus Jain and Alicia Zeng, Lincoln East
Tenth Place: Bradie Schmidt, Blake Bracht and Natalie Schmidt, Arlington

Mobile Application Development

Eighth Place: Edmon Adams, Omaha Westside

Network Design

First Place: Nate Brown, Josh Jones and Zach Brown, Bellevue East
Tenth Place: Devin Duren, Thomas Kinman and Austin Shroder, Grand Island Senior High

Parliamentary Procedure

First Place: Cody McCain and Riley Knust, Tri County; Heather Bentley, Amherst; Mia Kegley, Kearney

Partnership with Business Project

Third Place: Cristian Perdomo, Paige Nelson and Madeline Hall, Bellevue West

Sales Presentation

Fourth Place: Ali Faber, Aurora

Sports and Entertainment Management

Seventh Place: Matt Jensen and Brandon Keffer, Arlington
Ninth Place: Tommie Brechbill, Ashley Colwell, Sally Brechbill, Stanton

Word Processing

Second Place: Kaitlyn Quiring, Heartland



Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship

Trevor Koger, Arlington