Get Involved!
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a national career and technical student association for students in middle school and high school who are interested in business administration, business education, management, finance, and information technology careers. Over 5800 students in more than 150 high schools and middle schools in Nebraska participate in the FBLA program. The benefits of FBLA membership are leadership development, career preparation, community service, networking with business and community leaders, and challenging competitions.
Fall Leadership Conference
The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference is a one-day workshop held at two sites across Nebraska. The conference is designed to train local officers and members, to share information on Nebraska FBLA activities and goals, and to provide a significant “kick-off” for a successful FBLA program of work.
FLC Dates
- Tuesday, September 24, 2024 UNK; Kearney, NE
- Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Midland University; Fremont, NE
National Fall Leadership Conference
The National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC) is a two-day national conference held in November. Delegates from local chapters in each state may attend the NFLC. Nebraska FBLA State Officers attend in addition to local officers, members, and advisers. All FBLA members are eligible to attend, depending on local chapter guidelines.
The National Fall Leadership Conference consists of general sessions, special interest sessions, seminars, workshops, tours, and other leadership development activities.
NFLC Dates
- November 8-9, 2024 | Columbus, Ohio
State Leadership Conference
State Leadership Conference (SLC) is a great opportunity for high school students to participate in our competitive events program among some of the best in the state. SLC also includes state officer elections and a series of informative leadership workshops for FBLA students and advisers.
SLC Dates
- April 10-12, 2025 — Kearney
- April 16-18, 2026 — Kearney
- April 8-10, 2027 — Kearney
- Business of the Year Nomination - Due January 20
- National Anthem Audition Form - Due January 31
- Nebraska FBLA Scholarship Application - due February 1
- Businessperson of the Year Nomination - due February 12
- Star Volunteer Award Form - due February 12
- Golden Round Table Award - due February 12
- Who's Who Award - due February 12
- Young Leader Award - due February 12
- Ribbon Projects - due March 1
- Format Guide - FBLA Competitive Events
- Personal Conference Schedule Plan
National Leadership Conference
At the National Leadership Conference (NLC) FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.
NLC Dates
- June 29-July 2, 2025 Anaheim, California
- June 29-July 2, 2026 San Antonio, Texas
- June 29-July 2, 2027; Columbus, Ohio
- June 26-29, 2028 Salt Lake City, Utah
- June 25-28, 2029 Indianapolis, IN