Join Today

To start a new chapter click here.

*There is no fee to start or reactivate a chapter.

For information about starting a chapter at your school, please email Jacqui Garrison, State Adviser at

Click here to enter your membership information on the national website.

Here are the instructions and mailing address:

Welcome to the new FBLA-PBL membership year!

  • The membership year runs from August 1 to July 31.
  • The final date to submit membership for Nebraska is January 15th!
  • You must pay in full for your members to be considered active.
  • Please review the membership dues sheet for details on your state and national dues.
    *Update to dues for the 2023-2024 year:
    $10 for National Dues and $5 for State Dues. Total $15.
    (updated July 2023)
  • Submit one school check made payable to: FBLA-PBL or pay via Credit Card. 
For questions regarding online registration, please contact the FBLA-PBL membership office at 800.325.2946 x135 or


IMPORTANT NOTES – The collection and proper disbursement of local, state, and national dues is the responsibility of the chapter adviser. Failure to remit collected state and national dues to the respective offices will result in students not being recognized as active members of FBLA-PBL, Inc., as well as the loss of privileges at state and national events.

Membership dues are non-refundable. 


Submit State and National dues together!  One check mailed to the address below:

National Membership Dues
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc.
P.O. Box 79063
Baltimore, MD 21279-0063