FBLA Mountain Plains Region Vice President
Brent Comstock, Auburn
Future Business Leader
Fifth Place: Michael Liou, Lincoln East
Accounting II
First Place: Ashley Quiring, Heartland
Fifth Place: Cody Brown, Heartland
Banking & Financial Systems
First Place: Lincoln East – Myan Bhoopalam and Tianye Chen
Business Ethics
Fourth Place: Kearney High – Zach Biere, Steve Lesher, and Collin Sears
Business Plan
Seventh Place: Minden – Parker Ayres, Carson Blum, and Christain Schwenka
Business Procedures
Ninth Place: Mitch Misfeldt, Blair
Client Service
Third Place: Spencer Morris, Twin River
Community Service Project
First Place: Elmwood-Murdock – Cody Brown, Jordan Bowman, and Lauren Bowman
Computer Game & Simulation Programming
Seventh Place: Bill Spilker, Tri County
Second Place: Pleasanton – Colin Janitscheck and Adam Ripp
Tenth Place: Nicholas Behrends, Johnson-Brock
Electronic Career Portfolio
First Place: Lacey Uden, Adams Central
FBLA Principles and Procedures
Sixth Place: Cody McCain, Tri County
Global Business
Third Place: Lincoln East – Bridget Fleischer, Austin Koch, and Akshay Rajagopal
Health Care Administration
Sixth Place: Ryan Lunz, Laurel-Concord-Coleridge
Help Desk
Sixth Place: Ryan Kula, Gretna
Hospitality Management
Seventh Place: Sondra Buller, Heartland
Job Interview
Seventh Place: Kyra Valentine, Bellevue West
Third Place: Platteview – Josh Jochim, Andy Nelson, and Nick Smith
Partnership with Business Project
Seventh Place: Arlington – Matt Jensen, Tabitha Urban, and Trevor Koger
Personal Finance
Second Place: Logan Meisinger, York Eighth Place: Amy Chin, Columbus Lakeview
Sports Management
Second Place: Dereck Olhin, Aurora
Web Site Design
Fifth Place: Brent Comstock, Auburn
Word Processing I
First Place: Kaitlyn Quiring, Heartland
Open Events
First Place: Stephanie Teten, Johnson-Brock
Free Enterprise
First Place: Amy Chin, Columbus Lakeview