2013 NLC Results

Congratulations to our competitors!

Future Business Leader

First Place: Trevor Sorensen, Minden
Second Place: Sally Moore, Fillmore Central

Accounting II

Third Place: Beth Koca, Fillmore Central

Business Ethics

Seventh Place:  Zach Goltz, Elizabeth Sanderson and Danielle Titus, Aurora

Business Law

Fourth Place: Allison Braun, Heartland

Client Service

Sixth Place: Abby Cerveny, Aurora

Computer Applications

Eighth Place: Ashli Soukup, Meridian

Database Design and Applications

Second Place: Megan Goesch, West Boyd

Desktop Application Programming

Third Place: Michael Forsman, Aurora

Digital Design and Promotion

First Place: Meghan Schildt and Aaron Steckly, Milford


Third Place: Sydney Stadler, Minden

Electronic Career Portfolio

Third Place: Alex Raun, Minden

Emerging Business Issues

Sixth Place: Lauren Bowman, Cody Brown and Tyler Jones, Elmwood-Murdock


Ninth Place: Cole Ashby, Emily Braun and Seth Fosket, Aurora

FBLA Principles and Procedures

Tenth Place: Samantha Teten, Johnson-Brock

Global Business

Tenth Place: Eric Le and Elizabeth Peterson, Lincoln Southwest

Hospitality Management

Tenth Place: Justin Aaberg, Stanton

Impromptu Speaking

Second Place: Bryant Grimminger, Raymond Central

Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

Second Place: Cody McCain, Tri County


Ninth Place: Annabelle Abisset and Margo Wilwerding, Omaha Westside

Parliamentary Procedure

Second Place: Mason Holmes, Chase County; Amy Chen, Gibbon;
Julia Oestmann, Johnson-Brock; Dylan Steinkruger, Minden

Partnership with Business Project

Fifth Place: Trevor Lockman and Lindsay Oehlerking, Elmwood-Murdock

Public Speaking I

Third Place: Katie Ruth, Adams Central

Technology Concepts

Tenth Place: Paul Weber, Cedar Bluffs

Website Design

Third Place: Gary Ritnour and Jordan Steffen, Elmwood-Murdock

Word Processing I

Fourth Place: Eve Vanderneck, Heartland
Tenth Place: Rebekah Larson, Heartland