Nebraska FBLA “Ignited Innovation” at the National Fall Leadership Conference (NFLC)! Nebraska FBLA traveled by bus, train and plane to Denver, Colorado, to attend the NFLC on November 9-10. The conference was held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown with over 300 Nebraska members and advisers in attendance. While at the conference, members and advisers had the opportunity to explore Denver, listen to motivational speakers and attend workshops to enhance their leadership skills.
Members and advisers toured various places including Hammond Candy Factory and the Pepsi Center, home of the Denver Nuggets and the Colorado Avalanche.
On Friday night, the conference kicked off with 2,300 attending the opening session. Ryan Moran, keynote speaker, inspired members to be positive and to follow their dreams. Three national officers from Nebraska led the general sessions: Brent Comstock, FBLA Mountain Plains Vice President; Peter Raun, PBL Mountain Plains Vice President and Amber Kutnink, PBL Parliamentarian. Al Duncan was the keynote speaker at the closing session and encouraged members to be accountable for their own lives.
Nebraska was represented for many successes at the conference. Jean Buckley, FBLA-PBL CEO/President, in her remarks at the opening session recognized Lincoln Public Schools FBLA chapters for their collaborative work collecting food for those in need.
Sally Moore from Fillmore Central High School, along with Cody McCain and Jared Knust from Tri County High School participated in the Battle of the States competition. Each state in attendance was able to enter one team of three members. Contestants were asked a series of FBLA questions and current events in a preliminary and final round. Nebraska and South Dakota made it to the final round and the Nebraska team won first place!
Nebraska FBLA received sixth place in the September Sweeps Competition. Bellevue West was recognized for bringing the largest chapter delegation to the conference with 65 members.
In addition to the general sessions, the conference offered members the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops. The Nebraska FBLA State Officer Team presented a workshop entitled “Etiquette for Success.” At the workshop, attendees were informed on the proper way to dress, eat and act in a professional setting. Julie Jensen, chapter adviser from Aurora and a member of the FBLA National Awards Program Committee, presented two workshops on competitive events.
The National Fall Leadership Conference really showed how great Nebraska FBLA is.