Introduction to FBLA
Category: Objective Test
Type: Individual
Grade Level: 9-10
Event Guidelines
Participants must furnish their own No. 2 pencils and erasers and their own calculators. No graphing or financial calculators, phones, or other memory storage devices are allowed.
- FBLA organization
- bylaws and handbook
- national competitive events guidelines
- national publications
- creed and national goals
All FBLA members in Grades 9 through 10 are eligible to compete.
The test will be machine graded. Ties will be broken based on the order the tests were returned. All judges’ decisions are final.
Who Goes to Nationals?
The first-, second-, and third-place winners of this event will represent Nebraska in the Introduction to FBLA event at the National Leadership Conference, providing they have not entered this event at a previous National Leadership Conference.