Middle School – Exploring Business Issues (New 2022-2023)

Category: Presentation

Type: Individual, Team

Grade Level: 5-8

Competitor Limit: 2 entries per chapter


In the last few years, businesses have struggled to hire quality employees and retain employees. Businesses are finding it more difficult to fill vacant positions or are not receiving qualified applicants. Another challenge is once they hire new employees, they are finding it difficult to retain these employees. The last obstacle is retaining employees they already have in the company with experience or years of service. What strategic plan could you give to a business to fill vacant positions? What advice could you give to a business to retain employees? Explain your reasoning.

Event Guidelines

  • The presentation must describe the chapter’s activities that were conducted between the start of the previous State Leadership Conference and the current State Leadership Conference.
  • The presentation team can be from one to three members of the chapter.
  • Visual aids (electronic, printed, etc.) and samples specifically related to the project may be used in the presentation; however, no items may be left with the judges.
  • Comply with state and federal copyright laws.
  • All competitors must comply with the FBLA dress code.
  • NOTE: This event does not require the submission of a written report.
  • Competitors will only present to the judges.


Performance Guidelines: 

  • Preparation for and presentation of the entry must be conducted by chapter members.
  • Visual aids related to the project may be used during the presentation; however, no items may be left with the judges or audience.
  • The individual or team must perform all aspects of the presentation. Other chapter representatives may not provide assistance.
  • All team members are expected to actively participate in the performance.
  • Five minutes will be allowed to set up equipment or presentation items. When five minutes have elapsed, the timer will automatically start the five-minute performance clock.
  • Performance time: 5 minutes
  • Q&A: 3 minutes


  • Demonstrate excellent verbal communication skills.
  • • Display effective decision‑making and problem-solving skills
  • Express self‑confidence and poise.
  • Work well as a team when applicable.
  • Exhibit logic and systematic understanding.
  • Conduct a professional business presentation.
  • Answer questions effectively (when applicable).


Only registered Middle School members may compete in Middle School events.


Entries will be judged according to the rating sheet. All decisions of the judges are final.

Who Goes to Nationals?

The top two winners of this event will represent Nebraska in the Middle School - Exploring Business Issues event at the National Leadership Conference (NLC), provided they have not placed in the top 10 for this event at a previous NLC.