Mobile Application Development
Category: Prejudge Project
Type: Individual, Team
Grade Level: 9-12
Deadline/Testing: 15-Feb
(New 2022-23)
Create a mobile application for your school to help keep parents and the community up to date. The app needs to include upcoming events, important information such as the school calendar and activities schedule, a way for teachers and students to share photos, and a way for parents to notify the school of student absences. The app must also include one additional item that is recommended by your administration.
- The app must be designed for a phone/tablet.
- The operating system must be mobile based such as Android or iOS.
- The app should state its licensing and terms of use.
Event Guidelines
- The individual or team will research the topic and then create a mobile application on the topic.
- Competitors must prepare the program. Advisers and other individuals are not permitted to help.
- Competitors may use one of the following platforms to develop the mobile application: Google’s Android, Apple iOS, or Microsoft Windows Phone.
- The entry must include the source code and screenshots of the GUI in PDF format for review.
- The solution must run standalone with no programming errors.
- The application may deploy from a tablet, but must be smartphone deployable.
- The application does not need to be available for download from a digital-distribution multimedia content service such as Google Play, Apple Store, or Microsoft.
- Submit the project electronically on the entry form.
- May need to Zip the folder with project files before submitting.
- Cloud Storage URLs are acceptable.
- Name file: MobileApp_chaptername_lastnames_year
(i.e. MobileApp_NDE_Garrison_20XX)
Each chapter may submit entries created by an individual or team of two (2) or three (3) members in Grades 9 through 12. No team member may have placed in the top 10 for this event at a previous NLC. All team members must be registered for the State Leadership Conference to participate in this event.
Entries must address the topic. Entries will be judged by a panel of judges according to the rating sheet. All decisions of the judges are final.
Who Goes to Nationals?
The first-, second-, and third-place winners of this event will be entered in the Mobile Application Development event at the National Leadership Conference, provided they have not placed in the top 10 for this event at a previous National Leadership Conference.