Data Analytics
Category: Presentation
Type: Individual, Team
Grade Level: 9-12
Competitor Limit: 2 entries per chapter
(New 2022-2023)
WidgetCo is a new international business selling widgets to customers in China, France, Canada, and the United States. In determining the suitability to conduct business in these countries, WidgetCo executives need an effective data analysis of the datasets that are available. You are working on WidgetCo’s data analysis team. Your team will provide recommendations to the WidgetCo executives about opportunities and challenges that they may encounter now or in the future. Using the datasets given, in addition to your own supplemental research, analyze the data and provide analyses and recommendations about the opportunities and challenges facing the business.
The following datasets are given for each country (China, France, Canada, and the United States)
- Population, total
- Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of the population)
- Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
- Population growth (annual %)
- Net migration
- Human Capital Index (HCI) (scale 0-1)
- GDP (current US$)
- GDP per capita (current US$)
- GDP growth (annual %)
- Unemployment, total (% of the total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate)
- Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
- Personal remittances received (% of GDP)
Open-source datasets provided by the World Bank at World Bank Group – International Development, Poverty, & Sustainability.
Event Guidelines
- Competitors must research the topic prior to the conference and be prepared to present their findings and solutions.
- Facts and data must be cited and secured from quality sources (peer review documents. legal documents, etc.)
- Competitors are permitted to bring prepared notes of any type for the presentation.
- Visual aids and samples specifically related to the project may be used in the presentation; however, no items may be left with the judges or audience.
- Competitors must prepare presentations. Advisers and others are not permitted to help.
- Competitors are expected to follow all applicable copyright laws. Refer to the Format Guide for copyright guidelines.
- Competitors are responsible for bringing a copy of their project to show the judges.
- Any photographs, text. trademarks or names used must be supported by proper documentation and approvals indicated.
- Team members have seven (7) minutes to interact with a panel of judges and present their solutions to the case.
- All team members should actively participate in the performance.
- All questions raised in the case must be addressed during the presentation.
- A timekeeper will stand at six (6) minutes (warning) and again at seven (7) minutes (time up).
- The performance is open to conference attendees, except for performing participants of this event.
- All electronic devices must be turned off. No audio or video recording will be allowed.
All FBLA members in Grades 9 through 12 are eligible to compete. This can be an individual event or a team event. Each competitor must pay the SLC registration fee and attend the State Leadership Conference with 2 entries per chapter.
Entries will be judged by a panel of judges according to the rating sheet. All decisions of the judges are final.
Who Goes to Nationals?
The first-, second-, and third-place winners of this event will represent Nebraska in the Data Analysis event at the National Leadership Conference, provided the individuals have not placed in the top 10 for this event at a previous National Leadership Conference.