Client Service
Category: Report/Presentation
Type: Individual
Grade Level: 9-12
Deadline/Testing: 15-Feb
Competitor Limit: 1 Entry per chapter
2023 Client Service Case Study – Preliminary Round
Advisers – Email state adviser to get the passcode to access the case study.
Event Guidelines
Preliminary Round
- Each participant will research and submit a solution to a case study involving client service.
- The solution should be no more than two double-spaced pages of text using 12-point times new roman font and one-inch side margins. The reference page should be submitted as the third page using any acceptable reference page format.
- The event name, competitor’s name, and chapter should be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
- Each entry must be the result of the competitor’s independent research and development.
- The solution with an accompanying reference page must be submitted by the SLC registration deadline.
- A PDF of the solution must be submitted to Blue Panda by the deadline.
- Name file ClientService_chaptername_year.pdf
- Eight (8) finalists will be selected to interact with a panel of judges at the state conference.
Final Round
- The role-play event requires the competitor to provide customer service to a client (judges).
- Eight (8) finalists will be notified of their eligibility prior to the conference.
- Competitors should report 15 minutes prior to their competition times.
- Ten minutes before the scheduled performance time, each participant will receive instructions and the scenario.
- Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided for each participant and may be used during the preparation and performance of the case. Information may be written on both sides of the note cards. Note cards will be collected following the presentation.
- No reference materials, visual aids, or electronic devices may be brought to or used during the preparation or performance.
- The competitor has five minutes to interact with a panel of judges and demonstrate in a clear and effective way how he/she would solve the problem. This is a role-play event with an open exchange between the participants and the judges throughout the presentation.
- A timekeeper will stand at four minutes and again at five. The role-play concludes at the end of five minutes.
- The event is not open to conference attendees.
- Demonstrate effective verbal communication skills
- answer questions effectively
- demonstrate ability to make a businesslike presentation
- provide ways for client to solve their problem
- translate case into effective, efficient, and spontaneous action
Each local chapter may enter one (1) member from Grades 9 through 12.
The preliminary round will be judged prior to the State Leadership Conference.
The final round will be judged by a panel of judges. All judges’ decisions are final.
Who Goes to Nationals?
The first-, second-, and third-place winners of this event will represent Nebraska in the Client Service event at the National Leadership Conference, provided they have not placed in the top 10 for this event at a previous National Leadership Conference.